Traits of Top Wholesalers #2: A Focus on High Leverage Activities at the Expense of Everything Else

In any wholesaling business there are more things to do than time. So, why do some wholesalers stay busy all day without moving the needle while others seem to make leaps and bounds without breaking a sweat?

An objective look at both groups reveals a pretty clear distinction. The latter group identifies high leverage activities and then focuses on them at the expense of everything else. The former group spends most of their time “doing” and “reacting”.  Whether intentional or not, they prioritize activity over results.

At first glance the shift into the successful group seemed simple – just identify and prioritize high leverage activities. However, as I worked through the process of helping myself, my partners and my clients transition, I realized that most people don’t have the skill set to correctly identify their high leverage activities. And even when they did, they lacked the ability to consistently execute on them over long periods of time without falling back into their old ways.

If this is an area you could use some help in, let me encourage to read the report and listen to the audios on the pillar system.