Traits of Top Wholesalers #4: Having a Scalable Strategy

Top wholesalers put their effort into designing and executing on scalable strategies.  A scalable strategy means the only thing between you and your next goal is time and pressure on a pre-determined plan.  Your business consistently improves over time and you are not constantly “starting over”.

Although I am partial to both the Pillar system and VAR strategy, these are not the only effective way to operate.

So how do you know if your current strategy is scalable?  Simply answer the following question honestly. “If I do exactly what I did the last 2 working weeks, for the next 50 weeks, do I know beyond a shadow of a doubt my business will continue to grow?” If you can’t confidently say yes, you are still winging it.

If you find yourself constantly changing your approach or “getting back on track” there is a good chance you do not have a scalable strategy.

One way to approach developing the strategy is to create it like you have an employee with your exact skill set. Figure out exactly what you want them to do every week. This will keep you from avoiding a commitment to activities or strategies that are out of your comfort zone.